Sanjay Pasari unriddle the complication on how to decide ESG policies for your Business

 “A business must consider different factors while deciding ESG policies for its business, though, every business has its own type” says Sanjay Pasari, director of Banco Consultant.  

More and more companies are learning about the many facets and all-permeable advantages of ESG, including how to recruit talent, target future consumers, enhance brands, and innovate. Overall, ESG gives the company the tools it needs to be resilient in both the present and potential future situations. But adopting ESG within the firm raises a question what policies a company decides to implement ESG. Sanjay Pasari very much eases the complication on deciding policies over ESG and elucidates some factors to consider. 

Sanjay Pasari

He says “It must first evaluate where it is in terms of implementing ESG measures. Has it already begun or is it just getting started with ESG?” Pasari is very clear with his thoughts that he preset at the table “if you're considering implementing ESG policies for your company, you need to identify the areas that are most important for ESG to focus on, assess your investors, board, staff, and customers to help identify key priority areas for ESG, learn about various ESG standards, frameworks, and policies, allocate resources, and define your strategies with accountability measures”. 

Banco Consultant director has not done it yet, he also explains the factors for those business that has already started developing ESG measures and gone beyond the above stage. Sanjay Pasari says “Become a signatory to various appropriate standard and reporting frameworks, check your company's industry benchmark, put your ESG measures through various internal assessments to ensure they adhere to the necessary standards, and make sure your ESG strategy complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Engage with other businesses, associations, regulators, and stakeholders to develop collaborations and advance toward larger impact and forming better ESG practices. Stay informed about changing rules and the demands of your stakeholders.” 
